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This Won’t End Well

This Won't End Well Book Cover This Won't End Well
Camille Pagán
Lake Union Publishing
February 25, 2020
Publisher via NetGalley

No new people: that’s Annie Mercer’s vow. It’s bad enough that her boss sabotaged her chemistry career and her best friend tried to cure her with crystals. But after her fiancé, Jon, asks for space while he’s gallivanting around Paris, Annie decides she needs space too—from everyone.

Yet when Harper moves in next door, Annie can’t help but train a watchful eye on the glamorous but fragile young woman. And if keeping Harper safe requires teaming up with Mo, a maddeningly optimistic amateur detective, who is she to mind her own business?

Soon Annie has let not one but two new people into her life. Then Jon reappears—and he wants her to join him in France. She’s pretty sure letting anyone get close won’t end well. So she must decide: Is another shot at happiness worth the risk?

My review:

I've read a few novels by this author and have really enjoyed myself with her characters! I'm not going to tell you that the writing is a work of art, but it is succinct, and the story flows at a good pace without a lot of unnecessary details. I particularly liked that this book was formatted in journal entries, emails and some really funny listserve posts from the neighborhood. I loved the main character Annie, who is trying to live her life while not getting in anyone's way or calling attention to herself. Having said that, you may think she is someone to be walked all over, but you would be mistaken! Underneath she is a fiery force to be reckoned with who just wants to make the right decisions regarding friendship, work, and relationships. Lots of secondary characters to like in this one, and several laugh out loud moments as well as serious life choices.

This one is highly engaging! It's funny in parts, but also thought provoking while we follow Annie as she makes life altering decisions. Worth the read.

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